With globalisation, English has become a major international language of business and politics. Many different dialects of English (or “Englishes”) are now used in different countries. In the Asia-Pacific region for example, we have Singlish, Tinglish, Hinglish and other dialects of Indian English and Chinglish, to name but a few, as well as various dialects of Australian English (including Aboriginal, Broad, Standard and Cultivated Australian English) and New Zealand English.
Many terms for English dialects used in the Asia-Pacific region, like those above, sometimes come with negative overtones suggesting that, somehow, they are “less pure” or correct. And, just like the term “Standard English” is used in the US, the UK and Australia to describe the language of government, commerce and science, we now use “Global” or “International English” to describe an (as yet not fully realised) standardised version of the language used by political, business, academic and other leaders when communicating within multinational corporations and organisations and across borders.
Helping people who want help
In line with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s position statement on dialects, Banter Speech & Language’s view is that:
- speaking a dialect or “heavily accented” version of English is not a speech or language disorder requiring treatment; and
- if, for professional, business or social reasons, you want to speak a more standard form of English to help you communicate with others – whether it be Standard Australian English or a more “internationally acceptable” dialect of English than you currently use – we would be happy to help you. But we’ll also respect your “home” dialect.
Key source: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Position Statement on Social Dialects.
Related articles:
- Is your speech hard for people to comprehend? Research tells us this could be affecting your career prospects
- Embrace your accent and speak clearly – lessons from a Global Investment Bank
- It’s not your accent that’s holding you back
- Which kind of English is the best? (Hint: none of them)
- “What did you say?” 10 evidence-based ideas to help others understand your speech
- Common English pronunciation challenges
- When it’s hard to slow down: 4 evidenced-based ways to slow down your speech rate and increase your intelligibility
- Who we help: meet Rakesh and Alice
Image: http://tinyurl.com/kmlzt7h

Hi there, I’m David Kinnane.
Principal Speech Pathologist, Banter Speech & Language
Our talented team of certified practising speech pathologists provide unhurried, personalised and evidence-based speech pathology care to children and adults in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond, both in our clinic and via telehealth.