Weekly Session Planner

$3.99 including GST

This one-page Weekly Session Planner helps you to plan and deliver therapy without losing momentum. Simply:

    • print off or open up your Weekly Planner (PDF or fully editable Word document);
    • write down/type out each appointment in order, grab the files; and then
    • tick off boxes as you complete each stage of session preparation.

Great for:

    • “batching” session planning tasks and ensuring you don’t forget a step;
    • getting your “head in the game” – helps shake off the Monday morning blues;
    • giving you clear “tick-the-box” feedback that you’re making headway through what can sometimes seem like an endless to-do list; and
    • focusing you on what matters most: delivering quality therapy to clients.


I’m all for technology, and I couldn’t get by without my practice management software. But sometimes when I’m juggling what seems like 1000 balls, I want a simple hard copy snapshot to help me plan and deliver therapy without losing my way or momentum.

This one-page weekly session planner does just that. When I come into the clinic to start my week, I simply print off a weekly planner (this one is also available in Word so you can type it up too), write down each appointment in order, grab the files, then tick off boxes as I complete each stage of session preparation. It helps me to “batch” session planning tasks and ensures I don’t forget a step. I’ve found that the act of filling it out:

    • “gets my head in the game” – helps shake off the Monday morning blues;
    • gets my creativity going, as I subconsciously start to problem-solve for the tricky session on Friday while attending to mundane worksheet printing for my Wednesday sessions;
    • gives me clear visible “tick-the-box” feedback that I’m making headway through what can sometimes seem like an endless to-do list; and
    • helps me focus on what matters most: delivering quality therapy to clients.

On Friday afternoons, when I’ve finished my last session,  I take great joy in ticking off that final box and leaving the clinic with a sense of accomplishment. We hope you find it useful in your practice, too.