Parkinson’s Disease Update: Banter now certified to provide LSVT LOUD!
Friday was World Parkinson’s Day. And what better way to spend it than sitting an accreditation exam for LSVT LOUD™!
As we explain here, LSVT LOUD™ is an evidence-based voice treatment for people with Parkinson’s Disease based on principles of motor learning and neuroplasticity. Published research data support improvements in loudness, intonation, and voice quality for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease who received the treatment. Research also demonstrates that the improvements are maintained for up to two years after treatment.
The effectiveness of LSVT LOUD™ has been studied for over 20 years. What we found most interesting during the accreditation course were the findings of recent brain imaging and other research studies documenting changes in brain functioning as well as improvements in articulation, facial expression and even swallowing. We also learned about the evidence documenting the benefits of LSVT LOUD™ for other groups of clients, including:
- adults with Multiple Sclerosis;
- adults who have had a stroke;
- children with Cerebral Palsy; and
- children with Down Syndrome.
Banter Speech & Language is pleased to report that David passed the exam (yay!) and is now certified by LSVT Global to offer LSVT LOUD™ to people with Parkinson’s Disease and others who, according to published research, might benefit from it. For more information about the treatment, check out our LSVT LOUD Fact Sheet, our page on LSVT LOUD™ or contact us to discuss.
- LSVT LOUD Fact Sheet
- Parkinson’s Disease: common voice and speech problems and what can be done about them
- People with Parkinson’s in Sydney: grab those dancing shoes and get moving!
- Can LSVT LOUD help people with Parkinson’s Disease swallow safely?
- A voice treatment for Parkinson’s Disease that works: LSVT LOUD (radio interview)

Hi there, I’m David Kinnane.
Principal Speech Pathologist, Banter Speech & Language
Our talented team of certified practising speech pathologists provide unhurried, personalised and evidence-based speech pathology care to children and adults in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond, both in our clinic and via telehealth.