Developmental Language Disorder (‘DLD’) is common. But it is not well understood.
It’s hard to find evidence-based information that is easy to read. We’ve written a lot about DLD and we wanted to organise our articles, in a logical order.
We put together this guide for children, adolescents, adults and families affected by DLD. Simply look for a topic that is interesting to you, and click on it to get to the article.
Since the first edition, we’ve updated this guide with some of the latest research, including a systematic study on intervention for DLD. We’ve also expanded it to be more focused on functional goals and outcomes.
If you’d like a free PDF copy of the complete guide, sign up below.
We hope this is helpful!
Cheers David and the Banter Speech & Language team
DLD Basics
DLD Basics
DLD Basics
DLD Basics
DLD Basics
Part 2.1: How to help at different ages
How to help
Late talker tips
Preschooler tips
Preschooler tips
School students
School students
School students
At High School
At High School
Late talker tips
Late talker tips
Preschooler tips
Preschooler tips
Preschooler tips
School students
School students
At High School
At High School
Late talker tips
Late talker tips
Preschooler tips
Preschooler tips
School students
School students
At High School
At High School
Part 2.2: How to help with different needs
Syntax and Grammar
Pragmatic language difficulties
Pragmatic language difficulties
Language comprehension
Language comprehension
Higher level language
Syntax and Grammar
Pragmatic language difficulties
Pragmatic language difficulties
Language comprehension
Higher level language
Higher level language
Higher level language
Syntax and Grammar
Pragmatic language difficulties
Language comprehension
Language comprehension
Higher level language
Higher level language
Higher level language
Part 3: DLD with other developmental disorders and challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
DLD + other disorders & challenges
Part 4: Beyond ‘Fixing’: Functional Goals, Participation and Outcomes
Functional Goals, Participation and Outcomes
Functional Goals, Participation and Outcomes
Functional Goals, Participation and Outcomes
Functional Goals, Participation and Outcomes
Functional Goals, Participation and Outcomes
Functional Goals, Participation and Outcomes
Thank you!
- If you found this guide useful, please feel free to share it.
- For more free information and resources, check out the rest of this website.
- Remember that people are not their disorder! Together, we can all help to support children and adults with DLD.
Hi there, I’m David Kinnane.
Principal Speech Pathologist, Banter Speech & Language
Our talented team of certified practising speech pathologists provide unhurried, personalised and evidence-based speech pathology care to children and adults in the Inner West of Sydney and beyond, both in our clinic and via telehealth.