Why background knowledge about the world can increase reading comprehension – even for facts you can just Google (with 2021 research update and free resources to boost your child’s background knowledge)

Why background knowledge about the world can increase reading comprehension – even for facts you can just Google (with 2021 research update and free resources to boost your child’s background knowledge)

It seems obvious but I’ll state it anyway: we read things to understand them. If students can’t understand what they’re reading at school, they will struggle to cope with the…

11 reasons we use the Simple View of Reading to help people with reading difficulties

“All models are wrong, but some are useful”: 11 reasons we use the Simple View of Reading to help people with reading difficulties

Consider this magnificent paragraph: Fascinating, right? But only if you know Morse Code. Now, try this one: Evenings the in grumpy bit a get can and, fasting intermittent with experimenting…