Dyslexia is not a gift, or a curse, or a mythÂ
The big picture: Dyslexia (also known as specific learning disorder in reading): Why it matters: Without the right support, dyslexia can negatively affect an individual’s…
The big picture: Dyslexia (also known as specific learning disorder in reading): Why it matters: Without the right support, dyslexia can negatively affect an individual’s…
A school-aged child with a history of a speech sound disorder is at a significantly increased risk of reading difficulties. About 25-30% of children with…
Regardless of which letter-sound sequence you use to introduce letter-sound links and teach children early blending skills, kids in Kindergarten should have mastered the basic…
Over the last five years, we’ve written hundreds of articles summarising some of the most interesting research published about speech, language, literacy, stuttering, and voice. …
Peer-reviewed evidence tells us that: boys are 3-5 times more likely than girls to be referred to professionals for help with reading difficulties, including dyslexia;…
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